Last week, and today, I played one of our coaches in jigeiko. Last week, he told me that I still have issues with my distance. When I start my attack, I am too far, when openings appear for me to cut, I am too close and thus the cut is no good. Today, I had the same situation re-occur and afterwards, he advised me to lower my playing to the "dumbest" level.
As strange as it sounds, it makes sense when you actually know what they are talking about. Instead of thinking, you just do. So, while keeping my usually reasonable center, I wait. And wait. But as soon as my opponent steps in, I strike. It doesn't matter if there is an opening or not, just take it. No thinking required. He told me that I am very good at surprise attacks, but because I always start them too far out, I always land the cut short, usually kensen at the front of the megane. By waiting for my opponents to come into their cutting distance, I can reach them better.
But, I think it may take me some time to get used to this. As he explained it, the "dumbing down" mentality is "If you attack, I attack". Pretty simple, but hard all at the same time.
lol dumbing... what about "reflexive"? like, at this level, you've got enough training to let yourself be more reflexive with your attacks?
My reflexes aren't fast enough
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