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Aug 8, 2009

#67: Penalty Game Ippon Shoubu Jigeiko

For those who are not familiar with the ippon shoubu bit in the title, it means one point deathmatch in a loose sense.

We have been doing this lately during training and I've found that it is a interesting exercise that kind of works for me every so often but I think I am also getting a better hang of.

How it works is quite simple. It is jigeiko, but you aim to score an ippon in the 30 second time limit that is given. This is the ippon part. The shoubu part is, its penalty, do or die. If you fail and your partner both fail to score, i.e. draw, then you do 10 hayasuburi each. If you scored, or they scored off you, then the loser has to do 20 hayasuburi each. The winner gets to relax.

It isn't a lot of penalty, but it is enough to drive some motivation to score that point. For most people, there is a lot of drawn matches. This is a problem because people are not confident in determining that their cuts are worth an ippon. For this exercise, not only is it about landing a good ippon cut, but also knowing what one should feel like, judging it so, as well as knowing when to give that ippon to your opponent.

For me, I've won, and lost, and drawn many of them, but when we do this ippon shoubu, I think I'm more mentally geared to to go for that do-or-die cut and put everything into it, even if it is two seconds before either I land that cut, or have one put onto me.

Good exercise.

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