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Aug 7, 2009

Random #50: Video from Founders Cup 2009

Here are three videos that were kindly taken by Grace on her hand held camera with movie mode. The video quality is poor because I downsized it to 320x240 and 15fps because the original size was 106mb /min, where as my upload rate is way too slow to upload files of that size.

From the videos, what I can see is, my backswing on small cuts is way to big. I need to work on not bending my arms on the backswing but using my wrists more, so that my line of center is maintained.

My legwork is still pretty poor and bad posture. In the 2nd video against SBK, I could have scored a men ippon however as I was told afterwards, not enough zanshin. In the third match, unfortunately even in the original quality video, I couldn't tell how legit the kote that scored against me was. During the actual shiai, I didn't even feel it, but it looked good from the other side to the shimpan ~shrug~ thats the way it is.

Good points however, I maintained my distance well I thought. Yes, my hiki-men cuts seem to be okay. I also seem to be okay in terms of controlling my court position, ie, not running out of the court and being aware of the boundaries. It's all an experience.

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