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Jul 21, 2009

Random #45: Founders Cup 2009

Founders Cup 2009 is almost upon us. I'm actually a little nervous because for the first time in almost 4 years, I will be competing lol. I was put into the Kyu team, but I do have the option to chicken out if I want it since the team does have a reserve, but I guess I should step up as a Senior in the club and compete, even though it isn't really my thing.

Of course, I have always been told that shiai is important as you need to do it to improve your Kendo, but I have my personal doubts about it. In any case, today I had just a idle daydream about competing, and I felt nervous thinking about it. I have no idea how I will do on the day, but like advice I gave to someone else, the use of insanely strong Kiai will help blow nerves away. Channel that energy into ki and attack!

So, I will probably get wasted by my opponents but hey, learning experience LOL.

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