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Jun 9, 2009

Random #43: Tsukagawa Art

I got a new shinai a little while back to replace one that was broken beyond repair. When I received it I thought to myself, the tsukagawa is nice and clean and white. I should do something funky with it.

So I did.

Masking tape. Training.

While I realise that the effect won't last (and have two training sessions with the masking tape taken off, it has already started to colour again), it was still really cool to have the effect visible to start with.

I guess this is sort of a minor customisation, not as glaringly obvious or flashy as like a bright coloured patterned dou or a plexi-faceplate with the Hasegawa Mengane..... Either way, anyone can do this with practically no cost if you have masking tape and a clean/new shinai/tsukagawa ^_^v


sarephina said...

lol what's the pattern in the middle?
it changes color?

Don said...

DC is the pattern lol

As for the colour, no, but the white patches will turn darker over time to match the other blue bits from the natural dyes used.

sarephina said...

DC! lol i see it now :)

oh, dyes from the armor?

Don said...

and clothes. Anything blue is potentially dye loaded.
It can also come from your other trainee's or opponents if you brush up against their kote (gloves) since there is dye on that that can come off too.