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Jun 7, 2009

#62: Kote Nuki-Waza

For this waza, the objective is to entice your opponent into attacking your kote first. If you are fast enough you can also do this when a kote cut is made against you without planning it.

As per the diagram, as the kote cut comes in but before it lands you have the choice of:

- stepping back and lift kote upwards out of the way before unleashing a devastating kihon men cutor

- dropping the height of the kote downwards out of the way (assuming their tenouchi stops the cut above your lowered kote before making either a small kote cut or small men cut forwards.

The key point to this waza I feel is the timing that you have to initiate your movement as your opponent has committed to the cut so you can avoid the cut without giving away the point that you are attempting the nuki-waza.

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