*My opinions on techniques, or any other comments in this blog are mine and mine only, and may not be correct or anything else.*

If there are any mistakes, then please leave your comments for consideration.

Please click on the images to see them in their full size.

Jul 20, 2008

#1 : Jikoshoukai

Hello everyone. This is the first launch post for this blog.
As you may have noticed, I will be trying to do things in a semi-pictorial fashion, so please click on the images to see them in full size, otherwise it will be probably too small to read the details etc.

I recently purchased a Wacom Intuos 3 4'x6" tablet and will be using it for my sketching, so bear with my poor artistic skills and I hope they improve with time.

In this blog, I hope there will be a mix of 'information', experiences, and just random kendo related sketches. It won't necessarily be funny mind you, but if it is, then that is a bonus.

Today's first post is a Jikoshoukai, or a 'self-introduction'.

At the end of posts, there may be some words as keywords since in pictorial forms, search engines can't find the words/topics within the pictures, so don't pay them too much attention if it doesn't make that much sense.

Douzo yuroshiku onegaishimasu.

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